Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Sophie Madeleine - The Rhythm You Started

Things I like about this song and video:

1. Ukulele!
2. Stop Motion in the Garden
3. Likely Wellies
4. Pillowfight
5. Wooden Cabin

1 comment:

mysterymoor said...

I have a very important question, and that is: why wasn't I following your blog before? I just went back an entire year and feel like we should be best friends haha.

And I'm glad you enjoy the weekend links. I actually really enjoy compiling them. I bookmark things as I go along; recipes I wanna try, articles I wanna read more in depth, etc. And the posts serve as a reminder to check them out again!

I'm glad you left a comment on my blog, now I'll be reading you too :) And that's so cool that you live in Vienna! I only visited for a short weekend when I was living in Munich, but I loved it. One of my best friends might get a job there. Fingers crossed he will so I can come visit :)
