I've been mostly reading and sleeping, and getting rather depressed and sick of the country.
Counter-measures are: coffee from the George-Clooney-machine, watching the ski-jumping (I'm getting a taste for it too. Apparently a disproportionately large percentage of ski-jumpers have amazing soa. But why are there no female ski jumpers?), starting a new phone-sock while watching the ski-jumping, and then going ice-skating on the lake.
The light was amazing, unfortunately the battery was too low for auto-focus.
I can do pirouettes. (Well.)
really glad to know you're feeling better :)
and lakes! frozen, too! I have a passion for lakes, you know! I get very soppy about them, I truly adore them..
you can skaaaate!! aah, brilliant. I've always been afraid, you know. I kinda tried but not that much, to be honest...I felt...so...unsafe! Which, said by someone who used to do weird things with knees and legs, is a bit silly, I know...but what can I do...it's the uncontrollable surface...it's the speed you might not be able to control...all of this freaks me out a bit...but it also fascinates e, because it must give such a unique sense of freeedom.
Lovely pics!
Angeblich hat der weibliche Körper einen zu niedrigen Schwerpunkt für Skispringen.
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