Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Psycho Killer, qu’est-ce que c’est?

A random number of images (What I want but cannot afford, and other similar categories. You may guess which are which.)


Anonymous said...

this is brilliant! I think I get them all, but Zachary Quinto (?) touching his nipple (?) mighty be beyond my grasp. *Sigh* What would Michael Jackson do?

dani said...

Let it be said that I've sort of wandered into obsessive Heroes watching behaviour. I don't know how this happened but it did. And that scene is just too comic. Sylar is looking for stitches on his chest but it just looks like he's fondly fondling himself, teehee.

Anonymous said...

I stopped watching Heroes after the 2nd season which I found disappointing somehow. BUT - after you bringing it back to my mind again (and because things you like usually prove to be things I like too) - I thought "well, give it another shot". There, I am now after 2 episodes of the 3rd season, tired, reason telling me to go to bed, but nay, unreasonableness and a general propensity to obsessive compulsive behaviour when it comes to TV-series or music just made me load another one.

dani said...

3 and 4 are SOOOO much better!!! You'll love it, and you'll love Sylar, I PREDICT.

Alex said...

The blueberry cake.... seeeeriously!!! I want! Gimme the recipe!!!

dani said...

Ale: I stole that pic from this fabulous blog:
And I've also tried her recipe this weekend and it was great. Blue cake <3