However I award the prize for best heartwarming moment to Damon Albarn and Graham Coxon "hitting" (oh these journalisms) the stage together after ages of strife and enstrangement. Nice one, boys.
And best group-coordinated outfit to the inexhaustible souce of awesome that is Franz Ferdinand.
Thanks for that Alex. <3>
And I give another special award to Robert Smith for looking sweetly like an aging female tobacconist. A sulking, gothic aging female tobacconist.
I could continue by giving away awards for Looking Identical - but I wouldn't know whether to give it to Alex James and Freddie-from-Skins or to Last Shadow Puppets ... or for Worst Outfit Of Your Career, Sorry My Lad to Patrick Wolf (Sorry, my lad!), and so on and so forth.
But I am trying to keep this here blog succinct and sweet, and a pleasure to read.
But I am trying to keep this here blog succinct and sweet, and a pleasure to read.